Dr. Pierre Duquette
photo of Dr. Pierre Duquette

Dr. Duquette is a full professor at the Université de Montréal, where he completed all of his training, except for an 18-month fellowship at UCLA (1975-78). He founded the Clinique de Sclérose en plaques in 1976, and is still the Director.

The MS group, now at CHUM (Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal), has established a strong expertise in the care of persons with MS. They have very dynamic clinical and fundamental research programs. Their researchers have trained close to a hundred students, at all levels of training: MsC, PhD, and Post Doctoral.

They are extremely well funded from peer-reviewed funding agencies (CIHR, MS Society, others) and maintain active and fruitful international collaborations. As a result, their publication record is stellar.

Dr. Duquette has personally conducted some 80 drug trials, and pursued the following research themes: familial MS, MS genetics, pregnancy and other gender-related issues, cognition, pediatric MS, sleep, restless legs syndrome, aging, and frailty.