Advocate for Change

Every Canadian affected by MS should have the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of life.

Together, we can make it happen. 

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Our Advocacy Priorities

We’re working to ensure that all Canadians affected by MS have access to the best possible care and support services, secure employment and source of income, all while continuing to invest in MS research.  

Income Security: Make Ends Meet

The cost of paying for medication, services, equipment, and treatment is a significant economic burden for people with MS and their families. When MS stops someone from working, they should be able to access adequate income and disability supports. 

Employment Security: Make Work… Work

People living with MS have disproportionately high unemployment rates given their educational and vocational experience. Far too often the problem is one of flexibility, accommodation, and a lack of understanding of a disease like MS. We work to move past the notion of work as an “on/off” switch of “you can work” versus “you can’t work”. 

MS Treatments: Make Access to Treatments a Reality

MS doesn’t affect everyone the same way – nor does it respond to medication the same way in everyone. Virtually no other disease has seen the kind of life-altering advancements that MS has seen over the past two decades, but many Canadians living with MS can’t get sufficient, equitable, or affordable access to disease modifying treatments. 

MS Care and Housing: Invest in the Right Supports

People living with MS need the opportunity to stay in their homes and communities. Comprehensive home care that focuses on the family and includes nursing and personal care, supplies (e.g. incontinence supplies) and equipment, homemaking, meal preparation, childcare, rehabilitation, technology (e.g. home monitoring), and meaningful respite services can let that happen. But when additional support is needed, long-term care facilities need age-appropriate care that includes the perspectives of younger adults living with MS. 

MS Research: Make MS Research a Priority

There has been significant progress in learning about the disease and its effects and in creating more effective targeted and disease-modifying therapies. Working together, we can ensure that MS researchers have a stable partner in our federal government and are adequately funded in order to continue these advances and find new treatments. 

The MS Community needs you to Take Action For MS

Take Action

Living with multiple sclerosis (MS) can be difficult, from managing symptoms to facing the physical and emotional effects of the disease. That’s why we are dedicated to advocating for the systemic change that will make the biggest impact in the lives of the most people. 

By taking a stand on important issues impacting Canadians affected by MS, we work to raise Canadians’ awareness and understanding about these issues, influence government officials, and change public policies to help improve life with MS.  

We believe in the power of advocacy and have seen firsthand how our efforts have improved the quality of life for people affected by MS. Our efforts ensure increased access to quality healthcare, new therapies and medications, and helped create more equitable policies informed by our education outreach. 

But far too many barriers remain. Like so many in the MS community, we know that together we are stronger. You can help by taking action for MS. Everyone has the power to make a difference, and by working together we can make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by MS.  

Your involvement has an impact—we’ve seen how powerful it can be. Learn how you can take action for MS by joining MS Canada’s advocacy efforts.