Treatments in Development

People are encouraged to maintain open and ongoing discussions with their MS healthcare team when exploring disease management options.

Treatments in Development

There has been a surge in the development of treatments for MS over the last two decades. Currently, there are 18 disease-modifying therapies approved by Health Canada. The development of new treatments is a time consuming and expensive process, and there is no guarantee as to whether a treatment under trial will be approved by Health Canada. This emphasizes the importance of stimulating research that will uncover new therapeutic targets for MS. Here are some treatments in the pipeline.

Emerging Treatments for RRMS

Emerging Treatments for Progressive MS

MasitinibPhase III 
Tolebrutinib (PPMS)Phase III 
Tolebrutinib (non-active SPMS)Phase III 
Fenebrutinib (PPMS) Phase III 
Frexalimab  (non-active SPMS)    Phase III 
Simvastatin Phase III  Completed
IMU-838Phase II 
RIPK1 inhibitor    Phase II 
Lipoic AcidPhase II 
Hydroxychloroquine and indapamide     Phase II 

Trends in Emerging Treatments

T cells vs. B cells

T cells are a type of white blood cell involved in cell-mediated immunity, an immune response that does not involve antibodies. B cells are another type of white blood cell involved in humoral immunity, an immune response mediated by antibodies. Historically, many MS treatments have targeted T cells in their therapeutic approach. Recently, research has targeted B cells as a therapeutic treatment.

Monoclonal antibodies

An antibody is a protein that recognizes a unique biological target, called an antigen. Monoclonal antibodies are produced in a lab and have very specific targets (antigens) that they bind to- similar to the specificity between a lock and key. Natalizumabalemtuzumabocrelizumab and ofatumumab are currently available monoclonal antibodies prescribed for MS. Monoclonal antibodies mimic the antibodies that are produced naturally in the body, and work by blocking the activity of the immune cells that drive MS.

Repair treatments

Treatments available for MS are aimed at modifying the immune system and slowing the progression of the disease and disability. Novel treatments are now focusing on the potential to protect and repair the damage caused by MS (remyelination). Although very preliminary, research is underway examining the ability of drugs to protect and remyelinate neurons.

Stem Cells

The unique properties of stem cells provide promise for new treatments that can slow/halt MS disease activity and repair tissue damage in the central nervous system. In addition to ethical concerns surrounding the use of stem cells, legitimate health concerns exist as well. Stem cell treatments can be invasive and risky procedures, as these cells have the potential to develop into tumours.

Read more about stem cells.

Disclaimer: MS Canada is an independent, voluntary health agency and does not approve, endorse or recommend any specific product or therapy but provides information to assist individuals in making their own decisions. For specific information and advice, please consult your personal physician. Read our full privacy policy.