MS Hear From The Experts Webinars


MS Hear From The Experts is a series of webinars that help people better understand multiple sclerosis, highlights MS-related resources, plus provides tools and tips to navigate their MS Journey with more knowledge and confidence. Our intention is to help individuals learn more about the disease, treatments, research, wellness strategies, about the MS Canada programs, and much more. 

Phone-only participation will be available. The broadcasts are presented in English with no cost for participation. 

Aging & MS
November 28, 2024
6-7pm ET

Join our webinar featuring expert Dr. Kristen Krysko, MD, MAS, FRCPC (Neurology). At an International workshop on Aging with MS earlier this year, it was announced that almost half of all people living with MS today are 55 years of age or older, and more people are getting diagnosed with MS at later ages than ever before. Yet relatively little is known about how aging impacts MS disease activity. Early detection and treatment of comorbidities - along with addressing MS symptoms, progression, and disability; plus, strategies to help enhance wellness – are important to improve overall quality of life as someone ages with MS.


Please note that more information for each of the sessions (i.e. presenter details, registration link, etc.) will be sent to registered participants prior to a webinar. * Once you have registered for a webinar, you will receive notifications for all other broadcasts for the year - you don't have to register for each one and can participate when you want. Reminder emails will be sent 1 week prior and the day before the session and will provide the Zoom link and connection details for those participating by telephone. If you do not at least receive the day before reminder (perhaps you registered after that date), please email and we'll get you participation details.

Prior to each webinar, registered participants may pre-submit questions for the experts (on their topic), plus any general questions they may have for The Education Team. If you'd like to submit a question, please email

Click here to view past recordings of MS Hear from the Experts sessions.