MS Canada: Legacy Giving

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Paisley Hill Manager, Legacy Giving, MS Canada

Adding a gift to your will is the most personal and meaningful decision you can make to support the vision of a world free of MS, and you have my support to help guide you. 

I’m mindful that it’s a very personal, impactful decision to add a gift to your will. I will work with you to understand you, your personal story, and your motivation to support people living with MS, and will help you build a legacy that’s meaningful and purposeful to you.

I joined MS Canada after 25 years in financial services guiding discussions rooted in deep discovery and understanding what mattered most to clients for their insurance and estate plans. My pivot to legacy giving was a natural fit and now lets me bring my professional experiences to discussions with our valued MS donors.

I’m passionate about the work we do and our vision for a world free of MS.  This fact became truly clear to me at our 2023 endMS Conference:  Canada has one of the highest incidence rates of MS in the world, and MS Canada supports leading global researchers from across the country. That’s astounding to me and something I want to support.

Adding a gift to your will to support MS Canada is an opportunity for you to support a charity that holds meaning to you and perhaps make the most significant gift in your lifetime. I look forward to connecting with you.

-Paisley Hill Manager, Legacy Giving, MS Canada 

Please contact me at or at 1-800-268-7582.

What Are Gifts In A Will?

Now more than ever, Canadians are deciding how they want to live, and what statement of their life they want to make based on their personal and lived experiences. They’re deciding how to define their legacy and express their generosity in a way that’s personal and meaningful to them. A gift in a will provides everyone the opportunity to make a statement of their life.

Millions of Canadians have added gifts in their wills: personally meaningful, specific and purposeful, gifts supporting a cause close to them. For some, this gift will be the first time they’re able to make a significant donation to a cause. 

When you add a gift to your will in support of MS Canada, you will be making a gift that’s crucial for the advancement of MS research and one that will benefit the 1 in 400 Canadians living with MS. 

“It takes decades of work, and millions of dollars, to develop breakthrough therapies for a complex disease like MS. I don’t want the benefit of my contributions to end when I’m gone. So, I decided to include MS Canada in my will to ensure that my support will continue to benefit my son, and all the other people living with MS – maybe someone you love – for years to come.” 

- Valerie Hussey, legacy donor, MS Governor and former Chair of the MS Society of Canada 

Hear From Our Donors

“I was diagnosed with MS a month before I turned 41. When the neurologist confirmed it was MS, I didn’t know what that meant. The first thing I did was open the phone book and call MS Canada for answers. 

They sent me a wealth of brochures (there was no internet then!), and I signed up for a newly diagnosed information session. It was led by two women who were at different stages of their MS. Even today I still remember things I learned in that course. The information, the connection, the support... MS Canada was there for me from the moment I was diagnosed. 

When I was first diagnosed, there was only one drug therapy available. Now, there are many more therapies available for those living with relapsing-remitting MS. I think we’ll see even more treatments in my lifetime. Whatever I can do to move that ahead, I’m happy to help. 

It feels good to leave a gift in my will to MS Canada. They have heart and I believe in them. They use the funds in the best interest of people with MS, like me. Whether it’s funding research, programs, services, education, or advocacy, it all goes to improving the quality of life for people living with MS, and I’m all for that.” 

-Marie, Legacy Donor 

"When neurologists saw my MRI, they were pretty sure I’d had it for about 15 years with no symptoms. Again, I felt that powerlessness– but this time, I went to MS Canada and started learning everything I could. 

I also started volunteering with the annual research grants review committee. My job was to be the voice of people affected by MS, so research money could be put towards what we think would be most beneficial to us. The first year I had 30 grant proposals to review! 

I want a cure for MS. I believe the way to get that is to put more money towards research. That’s why I decided to leave a gift in my will to MS Canada. Even if we don’t find a cure in my lifetime, we’re discovering better treatments. That’s the power of research — investing today for the treatments of tomorrow.” 

-Corinne, Legacy Donor

“After talking about it with my sons, I decided to remember MS Canada in my will. My hope is that my gift will help them be there for folks who really need help. And I was delighted to learn I can leave a much bigger gift in my will than I could ever give during my lifetime.” 

-Linda McGowan, Legacy Donor 

The Impact of a Gift in Your Will

When you decide to add your gift in your will, you are supporting a brighter future for all those affected by MS.

A few decades ago, if you were diagnosed with MS, your doctor’s only advice was to go home and rest. Today, living with MS looks very different than it did 20 years ago – and gifts added to wills have been a key part of advancements made in MS research

Powerful support from donors, including generous gifts added to wills, have led to amazing improvements in the diagnosis and management of MS.

Too many people are still facing uncertainty. With 12 Canadians being diagnosed with MS each day, we need a cure more than ever.

A world free of MS is possible. It’s worth fighting for. And it’s a future you can help build with a gift added to your will to MS Canada.

3 Simple Steps To Get Started

  1. Contact Paisley Hill ( to discuss your situation further 

  1. Discuss your plan with your family, professional advisors (lawyer, accountant, financial advisors) 

  1. Let us know how we can help 

Information For A Bequest In A Will

For individual donors, or for Professional Advisors, who require information for adding a gift in a will, please use the following information and email if you have any questions.

Legal Name: MS Canada 

Charitable Registration: 10774 6174 RR0001


Paisley Hill
Manager, Legacy Giving
MS Canada
500-250 Dundas Street West
Toronto, ON
M5T 2Z5

Phone: (647) 254-2647 or 1 (800) 268-7582 



Q: Is there a newsletter I can subscribe to?   

A: Yes, to receive a copy of our Tribute newsletter, please email 

Q: What is your charitable registration #? 

A: MS Canada’s charitable registration number is: 10774 6174 RR0001 

Q: How do I discuss this gift with my family?  

A: It’s never easy to talk about end of life, or what happens to your assets when you pass away, but it’s important for your family to know your wishes, and what they will be asked to do as potential executors of a your estate, especially if they are also beneficiaries in your will. 

Some key first steps include: 

  • Plan your estate and communicate early by having a 1:1 conversation or having a family meeting 

  • Give them an agenda and outline what you hope to accomplish 

  • Remind your family of your values, what’s important to you, and the importance of your relationship with your family 

  • Discuss the overall goal of your will 

  • Discuss how your will is structured and the degree to which you will share specific details 

  • Discuss the specific items you want them to be aware of, and why you have made certain decisions

  • Ask them what they think, and how it makes them feel (anticipate in advance what questions will be asked and how they might feel when you share this information with them) 

Q: Are there other ways to provide a legacy gift to MS Canada? 

A: Yes, if you are interested in discussing gifts of securities, or life insurance, please email