HIGHLIGHT: Global Summit Reviews Advances and Opportunities to Speed Pathways to MS Cures

Summary: A global summit brought together nearly 200 people from around the world —MS researchers, clinicians, people living with MS, industry leaders, and funders— to discuss advances in the Pathways to MS Cures. There was recognition that while we are making progress, there remain substantial challenges that no one MS organization can tackle alone. MS organizations from around the world expressed a commitment to work together to accelerate progress on global priority areas. 

Details: The first-ever Pathways to Cures Global Summit was held in New York City in early May 2023, convening nearly 200 participants from 15 countries. The goal was to review recent scientific advances in the Stop, Restore and End pathways, refine the Pathways roadmap, and develop a global strategy of collaboration and alignment of investments into areas of high opportunity to speed the development of MS cures. Participants included leadership from MS advocacy organizations, researchers, doctors, government funders, pharmaceutical companies, supporters and people living with MS, and included many of the scientists and organizations who helped to write or endorse the published Pathways to Cures Roadmap.  
Impact: In summary, there was recognition that progress has been made in each of the Stop, Restore and End pathways.  However, there remain hurdles to success, some of which will require larger and more sustained research efforts than no one MS organization can do alone. A global research strategy group involving leadership from MS organizations has been formed and is working together to determine how to move ahead on global priority areas. 

Watch a short video on the Pathways to Cures Global Summit 2023:


See the press release - here

Learn more about the Global Summit and outcomes of the meeting – here

We acknowledge the National MS Society (USA) for authoring the original version of this article.